Parking Services

The Parking Services team maintains more than 1,000 on-street parking meters, as well as non-metered parking across the city.

All parking meters accept coins, and most accept credit cards and Downtown Boise Association gift cards. Non-metered zones, unless otherwise posted, are enforced at all times.

Meters also offer the ability to pay using the Parkmobile app. Parkmobile stores your vehicle information, notifies you when your parking time is about to expire and can even extend your parking session remotely up to the maximum time allowable for that spot.

The time will not be displayed on the physical parking meter, but enforcement officers are notified of active parking sessions based on your vehicle license.


Alternative Transportation

Alternative transportation is a necessary part of a livable city. Here are some additional options that will help you save money and reduce pollution and congestion:

  • ValleyRide
    Providing bus routes that serve Downtown Boise and surrounding areas, including service throughout Ada and Canyon counties.
  • ACHD Commuteride
    Provides commuting options for employees that reduce traffic congestion and wear and tear on our roadways.
  • Share the Ride Idaho
    A quick, secure, and personal way to find all your commuting options. Using your home and work addresses, you can find a commuteride, vanpool or bus that matches your commute and search for nearby commuters looking for carpool, biking or walking partners.

Parking Enforcement Request

Use the links below to report parking violations. Service requests will be routed to the appropriate Parking Compliance Officer for investigation and may take up to 72 hours to respond to the complaint.

Report Parking Violation

Report Abandoned Vehicle

Missing/Towed Vehicle

If your vehicle is missing, call Non-Emergency Dispatch to determine the whereabouts of your vehicle: (208) 377-6790.

Learn More

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Parking Services manages parking meters in downtown Boise, parking tickets and permits.